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333 Dental Care Blog

3 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Your Career

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 9:04 pm
young professional with a beautiful smile

When you think about the things that your teeth can do for you on a daily basis, there are a few that quickly come to mind—eating, talking, and smiling, for example.

However, your teeth do more than just those things; they’re a vital part of how the world sees you and, in many cases, how you feel about yourself. If you’re unhappy with the state of your smile, it could even affect your career.

Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry allows your dentist to address just about any aesthetic issue you could have with your smile, which could actually improve how people treat you at work. Here are a few ways that cosmetic dentistry can advance your career.


Everything You Need to Know About Dental Insurance Deductibles

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 4:55 am
a patient using dental insurance to pay for treatment

When it comes to dental insurance plans, there can be a lot of small details and terms that are confusing and potentially easy to miss—and if you’re thinking about committing to coverage to get your smile the affordable care it deserves, you might have some specific questions regarding deductibles. These figures are often an integral part of any insurance plan, and the more you know about yours, the easier it is to save on care down the road. Keep reading to learn more.


Can Dental Implants Replace Your Front Teeth?

February 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 7:38 pm
a woman getting dental implants placed as her front teeth

Dental implants are considered the gold standard of tooth-loss solutions. In addition to being incredibly lifelike, they are also a long-lasting option for missing teeth. Their durability comes from the fact that they replace the entire tooth structure, from root to crown. But can they even take the place of your front teeth? Read on to discover if dental implants are the way to go for a complete smile for even your most visible pearly whites.


3 Reasons Why the Beginning of the Year is the Best Time to Get a Checkup

January 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 5:52 pm
patient smiling in the dental chair

It can be easy to put your oral health on the back burner and wait until late in the year to get your first dental checkup. The months after the holidays tend to be busy, and finding the time to make it to the dentist’s office can be a struggle for some.

But checkups and cleanings are vitally important to oral health. They’re an opportunity for your dentist to check for problems, and to clean in places that you can’t ordinarily reach. As it turns out, the start of the year is the best time to get one of those checkups. Here are a few reasons why.


3 Tooth-friendly Stocking Stuffers that are Great for Kids

December 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 5:11 pm
Stockings hung up on a mantle

It just doesn’t feel like the holidays until you hang up stockings on the mantle. However, the things that usually fill those stockings, like caramel and toffee, can be really damaging to your children’s teeth. That can make it hard to engage in this holiday tradition and still protect your family’s oral health. Thankfully, it’s far from impossible. There are plenty of gift ideas that fit perfectly in your children’s stockings and that will help them to prevent oral health problems. Here are just a few.


5 Ways to Show Your Smile Appreciation This Thanksgiving

November 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 5:35 pm
family smiling

Family, food, and fun! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year to enjoy our loved ones, partake in delicious meals together, and smile brightly as you give thanks. With all the pearly whites beaming around the dinner table, it is a good time to also show them some appreciation, too! Your dentist in Mangum is here to tell you five ways to show your smile some Thanksgiving love!


Can Dentures Prevent Bone Loss?

October 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 10:32 pm
patient smiling after getting dentures in Magnum

Missing teeth can affect more than your appearance – it can negatively impact your overall quality of life. Fortunately, dentures are a tried-and-true solution that allows you to enjoy a strong and fully functioning bite once again. Not only can replacing your missing teeth have aesthetic benefits, but it may be able to preserve your oral health. Read on to learn whether or not dentures can prevent bone loss.


How to Maximize Dental Insurance Benefits

October 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 9:40 pm
dental insurance form on table

Did you know that less than 3% of Americans meet or exceed their annual dental insurance limits? That’s mainly because these policies can be confusing and difficult to understand. Despite having coverage, many people believe they can’t afford to visit a dentist when they need it. Of course, that is far from true! Paying your monthly premiums is an investment that allows you to enjoy reduced rates for necessary preventive care. Before the year ends, here are a few ways you can maximize dental insurance benefits.


Tips to Maintain Your New Year’s Resolution of Flossing Often

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 1:42 am
Woman flossing

Do you dread the moment your hygienist or dentist tells you that you need to floss more? There is only one solution, and it isn’t as difficult as many of us make it out to be. However, a lot of people still slack on their daily flossing.

The New Year is a great time to make this change, but you will need to stick with it to see the benefits. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in Mangum why flossing is so important plus get some tips to maintain your New Year’s resolution of doing it more often.


Wondering What Your Dental Insurance Plan Covers? Read This!

October 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 2:12 pm
Dental assistant explaining dental insurance to smiling couple

Are you currently insured? Whether it’s through an individual plan or your employer, it’s important to be familiar with your coverage. Otherwise, you could be leaving valuable dollars on the table each year (money that could’ve seriously benefited your oral and overall health, too). While details on dental insurance plans vary from one patient to the next, there are a few principles that apply to most. Keep reading to learn what they are!

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